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Competition Mail
Business Reply Service
About The Service

BRS means you can offer your client or prospective client the incentive to reply without having to pay postage.

Two options are available - You may:

You may advertise on the back of the BRS envelope/postcard for exposure at no extra cost.

BRS significantly enhances the level of the response to a mailing and provides a valueable service to the recipient

Enclose a preprinted business reply postcard or envelope in your mailing. (For samples of designs, please contact the regional sales office); or

Advertise a specified Freepost address and BRS number to which clients may write (no postage stamp required).

BRS postal articles can be used to:

Red arrow Stimulate increased response from clients;

Red arrow Build an accurate list (database) of clients;

Red arrow Return completed questionnaires;

Red arrow Renew subscription to publications; and

Red arrow Enable clients to submit orders for goods.


Red arrow Apply for a BRS license at your local post office or regional sales office.

Red arrow Before a license can be issued, printer's proofs of the postcard or envelope should be submitted to the regional sales managers for approval (ask the postmaster or the regional sales office for the printing specifications).

Red arrow An annual license fee is payable in advance.

Red arrow A licensee must deposit an amount that will cover the postage and service fee likely to accrue over six weeks.

Red arrow BRS may be used in conjunction with Fastmail.

Red arrow All BRS applicants should have a private bag or a post office box to use this service.


Red arrow You may advertise on the back of the BRS envelope/postcard for exposure at no extra cost.

Red arrow BRS significantly enhances the level of response to a mailing and provides a valuable service to the recipient.

Please Note

Clients who use this service for the first time will have to apply for the service on an application form as well as sign a RS/Freepost address license agreement available from your regional sales manager, postmaster or Internet.

A BRS license/Freepost address license expires annually on 31 March. Existing clients also have to renew their licenses annually. Your regional sales manager can provide you with the specifications for this service.